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Best Gpu For Wpa Cracking Free

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  1. Best Gpu For Wpa Cracking Free Fire
  2. Wpa Cracking Software For Windows
  3. Wpa Cracking Back Track
  4. Best Gpu For Wpa Cracking Free Download

Updated September 15, 2009
Links: backtrackPicoComputing, Inc

WPA Cracking in the Cloud. The mechanism used involves captured network traffic, which is uploaded to the WPA Cracker service and subjected to an intensive brute force cracking effort. As advertised on the site, what would be a five-day task on a dual-core PC is reduced to a job of about twenty minutes on average.

This software is based on RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 MessageDigestAlgorithm.

  1. The Cloud Penetrator cracking service is using high performance GPU rack being fed by large wordlist dictionaries. More than 12 Wordlists combined in a large cracking database. More than 1.1 billion entries from the combined lists to give the highest performance when performing password WPA gpu cracking.
  2. Ideally, you should have a computer with a dedicated graphics processing unit (GPU) and up-to-date drivers. Hashcat works best with a dedicated GPU, but it isn't strictly necessary for competitions such as National Cyber League (NCL). This also means that hashcat won't perform well in most virtual machines, though there are exception.
  3. The Cloud Penetrator cracking service is using high performance GPU rack being fed by large wordlist dictionaries. More than 12 Wordlists combined in a large cracking database. More than 1.1 billion entries from the combined lists to give the highest performance when performing password WPA gpu cracking.
  4. WPA cracking is a poor example. Without GPU cracking it would take forever to crack, with GPU cracking (pyrit) crunch to generate the numbers (so you dont need a huge password file) you can be.
  • Linux Backtrack 4, Ubuntu..., Windows XP(SP2 or SP3),Vista, Seven a modern CPU @1.5Ghz with at least 512MB,recommended: dual core CPU with fast DDR2/DDR3 RAM.
  • A CUDA-EnabledGPU Products with atleast 256MB (from GeForce 8400 to latest GeForce, Tesla or Quadro),recommended: GeForce 8800GT or more.
  • Version 0.1: NVIDIADriverfor Microsoft Windows XP CUDA1.1 Support (169.21) or more.
  • Version 0.2: NVIDIADriverfor Microsoft Windows XP/Vistawith CUDA2.0 Support (174.55) or more.
  • Version 0.2.3: NVIDIADriverfor Linux or Microsoft Windows XP/Vista with CUDA 2.2Support (185.85) or more.


Since lot of time I like cryptography and all things aroundcracking/hacking challenge. It is why I have thought about a newchallenge: To crack MD5 as fast as possible using combination of CPUand GPU power (with the help of my GeForce 8800GT and CUDA API).
The development of a MD5 brute force hash cracker using GPU (NvidiaGraphic Processor) is very challenging:

  1. GPU have no easy debug facilities (no breakpoint, no printf... except on linux), and only possible things is to write test in GPUmemory and afterthe test to transfer the result to CPU memory and check it by hand.
  2. GPU programming is very different from CPU programming, onGPU all is executed in parallel and algorithm must be adapted.
  3. GPU hate branch and conditions and that cost lot of time,it is why branch must be avoided.
  4. GPU memory access requires to be done on128bits or more for best performance and if possible allmemory access shall be avoided.
  5. GPU shall use as most as possible registers instead ofshared memory.
  6. Lot of other hints to found specific to each constraint.

Change Log

GPU_md5_crackv0.2.3 changes:
  • This newversion is a special edition for BackTrack4, thanks to OffensiveSecurity Team for their support and help.
    To install GPU md5 Crack on BackTrack 4 do following steps:
    1) Download BackTrack 4 latest version and burn it on a DVD and launchit.
    Launch following commands fromthe shell as root (internet access is required):
    apt-get update
    apt-get install gpu-md5-crack
    3) Now gpu-md5-crackv0.2.3 is ready to use(test it with benchmark):
    ./gpu_md5_crack_0.2.3 -b
  • First versioncommand line only, for Linux and Windows.
  • Add unifiedoptions and multiple charset selection:
    [0-9], [a-z], [a-z0-9], [A-Z], [A-Z0-9], [A-Za-z],[A-Za-z0-9], All Printables.
  • Add benchmarkoption (-b).
  • Add cudadevice choice (-d), to launch multiple instance on different cudadevice for basic multi GPU support.
  • Clarifiedrealtime displayed informations.
  • Cleanupunused header and source code(cutil is no more used ...).
  • Official LGPLv3.0 version see lgpl-3.0.txt.

GPU_md5_crackv0.2 changes:
  • Optimized CPUand GPU code to obtain the fastest possible MD5 brute force crackerusing CPU and GPU combination.Thisversion is highly optimized for Geforce 8800GT or more (GPU code hasbeen optimized with best possible assembly code).
    MD5 GPU brute force speed exceed 200 millions MD5 hash/second (defaultcharset [a-z,0-9]). (Configuration: GeForce 8800GT and Core2Duo E6750using one core)

Best Gpu For Wpa Cracking Free Fire


Plans for the future

  • A new version for 'FPGA' PicoComputing Cards, and maybe anhybrid version CPU/GPU/PICO Card.
  • More optimized algorithm to achieve 300 millions MD5 hash /second.
  • To support combination of multi GPU using multi threadinstead of launching multiple instance in shell.
  • Network-distributed version if enough feedback.
  • Windows/Linux version with Qt Cross Platform GUI (insteadof MFC) if enough feedback.

If I have enough feed back/donation I plan also to support othercryptographic algorithm like NTLM, AES-128, SHA-1, RIPEMD-128,RIPEMD160 ...
GPU_md5_crackv0.2 changes:
  • Optimized CPUand GPU code to obtain the fastest possible MD5 brute force crackerusing CPU and GPU combination.Thisversion is highly optimized for Geforce 8800GT or more (GPU code hasbeen optimized with best possible assembly code).
    MD5 GPU brute force speed exceed 200 millions MD5 hash/second (defaultcharset [a-z,0-9]). (Configuration: GeForce 8800GT and Core2Duo E6750using one core)

Best Gpu For Wpa Cracking Free Fire

Plans for the future

  • A new version for 'FPGA' PicoComputing Cards, and maybe anhybrid version CPU/GPU/PICO Card.
  • More optimized algorithm to achieve 300 millions MD5 hash /second.
  • To support combination of multi GPU using multi threadinstead of launching multiple instance in shell.
  • Network-distributed version if enough feedback.
  • Windows/Linux version with Qt Cross Platform GUI (insteadof MFC) if enough feedback.

If I have enough feed back/donation I plan also to support othercryptographic algorithm like NTLM, AES-128, SHA-1, RIPEMD-128,RIPEMD160 ...


New Version 0.2.3 commandline version for Linux and Windows LGPL v3 including source code (Crack more than 200 MillionsMD5 hash per sec on GeForce 8800GT):DownloadMD5 GPU Crack v0.2.3(July 9, 2009) the zip archive MD5 isc72e9cbe1f1b7917a46369d090b89353
Old version 0.2 with GUIand only for Windows (Crack more than 200 Millions MD5 hash per sec onGeForce 8800GT):
DownloadMD5 GPU Crack v0.2(May 22, 2008) including cudart.dll the zip archiveMD5 is 6f122df5e2b86bc0bc8885cafe4b9eab
Old version 0.1 (Crack 60Millions MD5 hash per sec on GeForce 8800GT):
DownloadMD5 GPU Crack v0.1(April 24, 2008) including required missingcudart.dll the zip archive MD5 is 5f93989b212e9c5d1a79c4016d5721a6

Wpa Cracking Software For Windows

Donate to support GPU future development and free software

In this news about WFI passwords cracking, I said that NVIDIA GeForce GPUs allowed to crack passwords around

Wpa Cracking Back Track

100 times faster than a modern CPU. I stumbled upon this post where the author has tested the ElcomSoft Distributed Password Recovery software to crack WPA passwords. He has compared several solutions and here are the results:
  • GeForce GTX 260 GPU: 10000 passwords / second
  • Core 2 Quad @ 2.4GHz CPU: 1000 passwords / second
  • Core 2 Duo @ 1.86GHz CPU: 400 passwords / second
  • GeForce 9400M GPU: 178 passwords / second

From these results, we see the 100 times factor is a bit excessive. The real factor is around 10 times faster: 10,000 passwords/sec for the GPU against 1,000 for the quad core CPU. But if we look at software documentation, we see that up to 4 GPUs per computer can be used. Then 4 GeForce GTX 260 should be crack 40,000 passwords/sec and compared to the 1.86GHz Core 2 Duo performance, we have a 100 times factor…

For french readers only: Casser les Mots de Passe WPA avec une GeForce @ Geeks3D VF

Best Gpu For Wpa Cracking Free Download

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